IT Support Belgrade
We are seeking a highly skilled IT Support to join our dynamic team.
The ideal candidate will have a varied set of technical skills and be confident to delivering exceptional IT support.
If you thrive in a fast-paced environment and have a passion for technology, we invite you to apply.
- Manage and administer M365 environments efficiently
- Provide operational support for Windows laptop operating systems and Microsoft Office applications
- Utilize ticketing systems, such as Jira, to track and resolve IT issues
- Demonstrate strong network knowledge to troubleshoot and resolve connectivity issues
- Communicate effectively in English, both written and verbal
- Exhibit excellent interpersonal skills and a strong work ethic
Preferred Qualifications
- Certification in CompTIA A+ and Microsoft AZ-900 would be highly beneficial
- Previous experience in IT support or related roles
About MDPI
A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.
We operate currently over 400 diverse, peer-reviewed, open-access journals supported by over 66,000 academic editors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is openly and broadly available.
Besides our main publishing business, we develop and maintain digital platforms and software ranging from scientific exchange platforms to article databases and search engines, all focused on empowering scholars and giving them the best possible product and service. As of the end of 2022, we count more than 6700 colleagues in 17 offices across 11 countries.
MDPI Serbia was established in 2016 to support the rapid global expansion of MDPI. Over the course of 8 years, we opened 2 offices, one in Belgrade (New Belgrade) and one in Novi Sad. We now have over 600+ employees in our 2 Serbian offices, dedicated to ensuring that high-quality research is made available as quickly as possible in different fields of science.
At MDPI, we develop and maintain various platforms in order to better serve the scientific community. Please find here-below a list of our main platforms:
- Team
- IT
- Locations
- Novi Beograd Office
IT Support Belgrade
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